Dangerous Suffixes In Email Attachments…

Many users probably know by now, cyber threats evolves. New ones are created everyday. From social engineering to preying on the simple curiosity of computer users.
Being old fashion continues to be one of the most effective methods to inject malware into computer systems.
While there are multiple dimensions to threat vectors, email is probably the most inexpensive, fast and popular one.
Many users we come across fall prey and click onto malicious emails, with either harmful attachments or URLs. Besides having updated software and robust patch management, using technology and tools to augment capabilities in identifying computer threats aid users to be mindful.
In light of this, we have put together a list of potentially harmful suffixes and hope that this could help raise awareness.
- .exe
- .zip
- .xls
- .doc
- .ppt
- .cmd
- .inf
- .bat
- .js or .jse
The list is not exhaustive but are some of the most common and potentially dangerous file extensions, and hope to give our readers a visual and cognitively build up sensitivity to threat prevention.
If you receive any email attachment extensions not commonly seen, your threat detection antenna should be up. In fact, your should learn to be sensitive to any emails from unknown senders. If you get this into your psyche, you should be able to minimise your exposure to IT security threats.
Good luck and stay safe..
Images by Ponseelan, Slideshare